Eye Care

What is eye yoga and does it really work?

We know that yoga is a great exercise for mind, body and soul, but have you ever heard of eye yoga? It’s a trend that’s becoming more and more popular in the summer months as we take extra care to look after our eyes. Eye exercises are said to improve and strengthen the muscles in the eye, as well as helping us focus and de-stress from the strain we put on our eyes every day. Even Paul McCartney … Read More about What is eye yoga and does it really work?

True or false: Do carrots help your eyesight?

Do carrots help your eyesight? As children, most of us were fussy about eating our fruit and vegetables and witnessed the daily struggle our parents went through getting us to finish everything that was on our plate. The age-old saying that carrots would make us be able to see in the dark was probably convincing when we were children, but looking back, it’s probably not plausible that a vegetable … Read More about True or false: Do carrots help your eyesight?

How to treat sun damaged eyes

Do you have sun damaged eyes? We are well aware of the risks that sun damage to our skin can cause, which is why we cover up and seek shade in the hot summer months. Sun damage can even occur on less sunny days, even when we can’t see the sun. That’s why we’re still encouraged to incorporate an SPF into our morning skincare routine. The sun can age our skin, and it can produce symptoms for our … Read More about How to treat sun damaged eyes

The benefits of blue light glasses

We live in an age where most of us are glued to a screen for 8 hours a day. There’s no shame in it, computers and technology are part of working life and how we earn a living! However, these screens emit what is known as blue light which can be harmful to our eyes and general well-being, which is why blue light glasses are becoming more and more popular. First of all, we can help you understand … Read More about The benefits of blue light glasses

UV Protection Sunglasses Guide

If there’s one cultural norm that everyone is taught from a young age, that is, not to look directly into the sun's beam. UV, also known as ultraviolet light, is just one type of radiation that is emitted from the sun.  With summer just around the corner, it’s important to note that lenses need the right UV level in order to be protective and shield your eyes from damage. Arlo Wolf has put … Read More about UV Protection Sunglasses Guide

How to measure your Pupillary Distance (PD)

Straight off the cuff you’re probably thinking, what on earth is my Pupillary Distance? Or perhaps you’re a self-proclaimed optical expert and you know exactly what we’re talking about. If so, why not head straight to our new arrivals page and take a look at our new range of glasses for men and women?  But if you’re still a little perplexed by what we’re talking about then stick around, it … Read More about How to measure your Pupillary Distance (PD)

What are the best glasses for astigmatism? 

If you’ve been told by your optician that you’re suffering from astigmatism, you might be worried about what that means for your eye health. Thankfully, astigmatism is nothing to worry about and it can easily be corrected with a good pair of glasses or contact lenses. In this guide, we take a look at what astigmatism really means for your eyes and how you can find the best glasses for … Read More about What are the best glasses for astigmatism? 

Can blue light lenses really reduce headaches?

If you’re having more headaches than usual, it might be related to your daily screen time and an increased exposure to blue light (the kind of light emanating from smartphones, TVs and other devices). In lockdown, your screen time has probably increased. In fact, a recent study from Optometry Today demonstrates as much.  For people looking to counteract any negative effects of prolonged blue … Read More about Can blue light lenses really reduce headaches?

What are the best glasses for computer use?

Spending a lot of time in front of your computer? A good pair of glasses can really make all the difference when it comes to your eyesight. Even if you don’t need a prescription for your vision, there are certain lenses that can help to protect your eyes from the effects of screens. Here’s what to look out for when choosing the best glasses to wear for computer screens. Reasons why you might … Read More about What are the best glasses for computer use?

Here’s how to reduce the impact of lockdown on your eyesight

If you’re working from home in lockdown, your day may go a bit like this: wake up, go through your usual morning routine, and then log onto work. From there, you have 4-5 hours of mostly uninterrupted screen time. At lunchtime, maybe you scroll through Instagram while eating. Fast-forward to hometime (sigh, not really hometime) and perhaps you settle down to your favourite TV show or film. That’s … Read More about Here’s how to reduce the impact of lockdown on your eyesight

How COVID-19 can affect your eyes

We know that COVID-19 can affect our lungs, chests and many other areas of the body, but how can COVID-19 affect your eyes? Since the coronavirus pandemic arrived in the UK in early 2020, some COVID-19 patients have reported the virus had some sort of effect on their eyes. In this guide, we take a look at the effects of coronavirus on the eyes and what you can do to take good care of your … Read More about How COVID-19 can affect your eyes

What are screen glasses? 

We live in a digital world where some of our closest companions are funnily enough our electronic devices. That being said, we’re constantly being exposed to harmful light rays that simply do no good for our eyes. The good news is that we have screen glasses to do something about this issue, but what exactly are they?  What are screen glasses and how do they work?  Screen glasses, also known as … Read More about What are screen glasses?